Friday’s Fact File

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Things that I have discovered or just loved this week …


Instead of listing my three favourite tracks this week I thought I would give a little shout out to the awesome man that is Ronnie Herel.  Ronnie has kindly put together a little R&B mixtape for us over on Mixcloud so go on, treat your ears to some serious R&B classics!

Ronnie Herel – Back in the Day 2 “It’s Been a While”


Princess Cake!

After watching the awesome GBBO on European Cake Week I discovered my new, potentially all time favourite, cake! Ladies and gentleman I introduce you to Princess Cake.

Layers of whipped cream, sponge,  creme patisserie, jam, more sponge, more creme patisserie and then a layer of marzipan icing this, for me, is heaven! So of course the next day I googled places in London that served such a thing and then asked (I didn’t really need to ask ;D) Lissy to join me in sampling!

OH MY!!!! I have already put in the request that this be my birthday cake!


On a side note we tried it at Bageriet, Covent Garden! A gorgeous little Swedish bakery which I would definitely recommend for cinnamon rolls, rye bread and of course Princess cake!!!



Stuff, things, bits and pieces!

Ok so … Rita Ora … I don’t know … but the pieces Adidas have linked to her name are actually pretty lust worthy …


Warm, cosy black hoody with a bit of sheer detailing … yes please!